Retail Expert
Visual Merchandising + Projectmanagement
from annual planning,
construction management,
process optimization,
to team structures:
Benefit from the
depth and clarity
my way of working
- if necessary with professional support from my network.
We can talk about everything,
reach out!
The product is the hero,
real "boss" is your customer.
Together we create
an individual way
to the true shopping experience.
Your turnover is our goal.
We will work on strategies
which inspire and feel tangible in
our conception-phase already.
3D elements
ensure long-distance effects
and inspire your customers to buy.
Decorative elements will always remain
helpful tools in order to reach our goals.
I create strategic layouts
customized for your business need
and guarantee targeted product placement.
Use the 3-second chance for the individual WOW of your customers!
"it always seems impossible until it's done"